You Gotta Do the Work!

There’s a quote by Rupi Kaur that says:

“I want to be so complete I could light a whole city and then I want to have you by my side because the two of us combined could set it on fire.”

Until I did the work and stopped looking for others to complete me, fill a void etc. and got right with me was when Jack came into my life. When I did the work and got to the point where I loved me more than anything/anyone, believed I deserved nothing but the absolute best and tapped into my inner light THEN I met Jack. I wasn’t looking for him nor needed him to fix, complete or fill a missing piece in me/my life because I was already complete and whole. I was shining my light, loving me and living my best life. I wasn’t defining my self-worth on who was or wasn’t in my life. So, when we met 8 years ago, I was ready. Ready to love and be loved. He saw someone who wasn’t in “need” of fixing or looking for someone to save them. The lesson here is this — everything happens for a reason and when you do the work on YOU and believe in your awesomeness, give yourself the love you deserve, be that compassionate friend to yourself and love yourself like you out there lovin’ everyone else – your person will come into your life. No amount of plotting, scheming, game playing will “miraculously” make that person appear. Nope, you gotta do the work first. Although it took me awhile, I would still do it all again because in the end I get to spend the rest of my life with my forever boo – Jack.

So….. to more nights binge watching all things Star Wars, to traveling the world, to being my expert photographer, love of my life and bestest friend. Love you to the moon and back Jack!!

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