Food deserts, food swamps and food insecurity are ravaging urban and rural areas across the United States. Food insecurity is when you don’t have enough money to buy the healthy foods you need or if you have to skip meals because you don’t have enough money to buy more food. In New York City alone, before COIVID-19, 1.4 million people living in NYC were food insecure. Now, it’s close to 2 million and one in every four is a child. What’s even more concerning, food deserts generally exist in urban areas— predominantly inhabited by nonwhite people— which is why Black people are disproportionately affected by diet related health conditions. During this episode we discuss how food deserts are created, it’s devastating impacts to brown communities and what can we do to help ensure no one goes hungry. “Many kids my age and younger do not know where their next meal is coming from, this is something no one should have to worry about. I know that with your help we can fight to end childhood hunger near us and all around America.” – Jocelyn Quinn (Generation No Kid Hungry – Hunger Hero)